Here we have listed the answers to several general questions to help you quickly solve your puzzles

If you still can't solve your problem, please leave a message to us through the message area below, and our engineers will answer it for you

1. What is the general configuration of energy storage container equipment?

    It is equipped with standardized converter equipment and monitoring management system, which integrates lithium battery management system (BMS), micro grid management system (EMS) and container dynamic environment monitoring system, and can integrate energy storage converter and energy management system according to customer requirements.。

2. What is the type of battery module and how many cycles?

    The battery module is a lithium iron phosphate battery. The air cooling system has a cycle number of 3000-6000 times.

3. How long can the uninterruptible power supply provide protection after a power outage?

    In the event of an electrical failure, UPS can switch to online mode within 2 milliseconds to ensure stable electrical support.

4. Is the container energy storage equipment fireproof?

    The container energy storage equipment is equipped with fire extinguishing system, and the inner material of the container is flame retardant, which lasts more than 3 hours.

5. How much electricity can the container energy storage equipment store?

    The energy storage capacity of the container energy storage equipment can be customized according to the needs of customers, and the single box can range from 200kwh to 2000kwh.


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